
Chris Deering introed the conference (albeit with it’s old monicker, Edinburgh Interactive Entertainment Festival, but we can forgive him that. Prior to introing the keynote speaker, there was a bit of quiz-the-audience with the fancy voting devices they’d issued us. The gist of the results:

  • Sector likely to experience most growth in the next year: spread results, favouring casual, handheld, mobile and MMO. Few people liked packaged console or PC titles to grow.
  • Genre likely to experience most growth: Virtual life (a la Second Life or Home) topped the poll, with music titles a strong second. Not sure if I agree with that assessment, but that’s probably reflective of the general sentiment that virtual online communities are going to grow in popularity generally.
  • Percentage of overall revenue to come from online (downloadables, subscription, ad-revenue, etc.): 20-40%. Fair enough – it’s definitely growing and becoming far more relevant, not just in our industry.

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Last modified: February 06 2020.