Well, all hail the power of the In-tar-web, after a few hours of fiddling, we now have a development blog!
Of course, its totally empty just now, but I’m sure I’ll manage to fill it up with badly thought out design ideas, complaints about the Inland Revenue and all the other things which make running a games studio so much fun.
You do have to log in to post, as the majority of the help that comes with WordPress amounts to ‘ooh! Comment spam, bad!’, so rather than allow that spectre in, I thought I would just check it at the door. Plus it means that all the insulting comments about me, my company, my personal hygiene, etc. have to put a name to it, so I can wield the almighty head-rush-inducing power of the ban stick against them. As another thing to remember before you register – check out the disclaimer dealing with intellectual property and so forth before you blurt out your favourite game ideas.
Hopefully that won’t put too many of you off registering and wading in with discussion and feedback. Of course, thats assuming there is a ‘you’ out there to discourage. Hello? Hello? (echoes…)
April 28th, 2005 at 6:32 pm
hi mate, just a quick note to say good luck and all that.