So what’s an “Ananlyst” then?

You know, I wouldn’t ordinarily mock applicants to the Company, but sometimes I get someone who makes my teeth grind so badly that I can’t help it. Such as the email I received earlier this week, entitled “Application for the post of Web trends Technology Ananlyst”[sic]. Hmm. Yes. Right. Spelling and capitalisation issues aside, WebTrends? What possible reason could you think that we would have to use WebTrends?

To be fair, this girl's been hard done by, as this image is used everywhere despite being a blatant photoshop job. But to indicate idiocy in all its forms, you can't beat it.

I refer potential applicants again to this post, although it should be noted that the unspoken rider to that post is that morons need not apply.

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Last modified: February 06 2020.