Year Six
Wow. Five whole years. In games industry terms, that’s practically ancient. And even more strangely for me, I’ve now been running my own business for longer than I spent working as an employee for anyone else. The work we’ve done over the past five years has been so varied that I struggle to remember all of it; there are some projects from when I first started out that I forgot all about it until I was digging through our backup archive recently. Of course, we’ve had our ups and downs – this past year has been especially hard on me in particular, what with all the travelling around, and working away from Edinburgh. But the very fact that we’re here and still beavering away I think says a lot. And I must extend my heartfelt thanks to my associate Tim for doing such a great job here in Edinburgh while I’ve been kept busy with Crackdown 2.
Year Six will, I think, be far more eventful for us than Year Five. It’s too early to say yet what it will consist of, but I think there will be less X360 development, and a load more iPhone work. Of course, my prediction skills are fairly awful, so I should probably not try to guess in advance. What we do know is that we want to get our own projects out there and selling, and the iPhone is a far better opportunity for us to do that than, for example, WiiWare. And there will undoubtedly be work-for-hire as well, which is almost always interesting in itself, getting a chance to help out on other fun projects, and do what we do best – give our clients the software development help they need to ship. And if nothing else, we shall see just how furry the beard can get…
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