Manifesto Games

Well, Greg Costikyan seems to have caused quite a stir with the announcement of Manifesto Games (a new independent games portal site). I think he’s hit a common chord with a lot of the disillusioned game developers out there with his articles bemoaning the state of the games industry.

Anyway, I’m glad to say the Company will be helping out in the construction of the site; as I’m keen to see the project succeed. Of course, the fact that it gives us a better avenue to publish any games we develop (which would no doubt be niche market and thus hard to get out to potential customers) is a fringe benefit. πŸ˜‰

3 Responses to “Manifesto Games”

  1. RealDark Says:

    That may be so, but the colours this man uses on his website.. my eyes!

    On a more serious note, I really hope this succeeds, game development at present is as Microsoft to software and rapidly heading down the qwerty keyboard route πŸ™

  2. PeterM Says:

    I also have to echo that about the colours. It’s the programmer art of websites. But at least it doesn’t have one of those animated GIFs of a fireball as a background image…

    I’ll be rooting for Manifesto Games. I’ve not really dug deep on the site though – where are they going to get their money from?

  3. MrCranky Says:

    Oh, there are always people out there to fund good ideas. The trick is finding them. πŸ™‚ With the PR blitz he’s on just now, and the fact that he’s getting favourable publicity everywhere, I don’t think it will be too problematic.

    As for the colours, urgh yes. I understand he wanted a fiery, revolutionary feel to it, but I’ll be prodding him to change. There’s a note on his weblog acceding to the complaints, but he wants someone else to redesign it for him. I’ll give it a try, but my design credentials aren’t much better (hence the simplistic nature of this site)… πŸ˜€

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Last modified: February 06 2020.