The Return
Urgh – curse Pipex and their slow moving tar-pit of a customer service desk. Right! Sorry for the hiatus, but we have been sans Net connection for almost three weeks, following our move to a new place! My hands are still shaking from the withdrawal symptoms. But on the plus side, the new office desk and setup is way more ergonomic and pleasant than the last one, so I’m hoping the general raising of the pleasantness level in here will result in an increase in my work output too.
In other news – I’ve had all of my time sucked away by a full time contract with Barco down in Leith. Not the high-end display division, much to some people’s disappointment (like they’d give favourable deals to contractors anyway), but the medical imaging team (formerly known as Voxar). Much hard work, but pleasingly its back to hard core structural C++ programming, which has always been my favourite skill to exercise. Its also, heaven forbid, starting to convert me to the merits of exception based programming, test-driven-development, and XP!
More on my assessment of XP in the workplace later probably, still not sure if I’d adopt it wholesale, but its definitely got some good points.