Woah there. Sorry to anyone reading this through the RSS feed, which took my last entry as a prompt to mark as updated every single entry I’ve written. Hopefully this one won’t do the same…
Woah there. Sorry to anyone reading this through the RSS feed, which took my last entry as a prompt to mark as updated every single entry I’ve written. Hopefully this one won’t do the same…
July 13th, 2005 at 6:01 pm
Chris, I couldn’t actually find a link to the RSS feed on the site. I managed to guess it, so here it is for anyone else who doesn’t know it:
July 13th, 2005 at 6:16 pm
You know, I had the same issue with the Wiki. I should probably get around to editing the PHP for the site so I can customise it into my own format, and include links for the RSS feeds, the company logo, etc. One more thing on the list of tasks… š